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Shuchi Grover

Registered user since Mon 10 Aug 2020

Name:Shuchi Grover

Shuchi Grover (@shuchig) is a senior research scientist at Looking Glass Ventures and a visiting scholar at Stanford University. Her research is focused on teaching and learning of computer science, computational thinking, and programming in schools. She has been working with children and programming since 2001, first in informal afterschool settings, and recently, in classrooms. Her current research encompasses the design of curricula and assessments for all levels of preK-12 CS education, as well as the integration of computing and coding in STEM and other subjects. She has led, and continues to lead, several large research projects (often in collaboration with universities and research organizations) with grants from the US National Science Foundation and other federal agencies. She also consults globally on projects related to K-12 CS, programming, and computational thinking education.

Over the past decade, she has served on the National K-12 Computer Science Framework team, taskforces of the Computer Science Teachers’ Association, the ACM Education Advisory Committee (2018-present), and the editorial board of the ACM Transactions on Computing Education (2015-present). Shuchi’s educational journey includes undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer science, an Ed.M. in Technology in Education from Harvard University, and a Ph.D. in Learning Sciences and Technology Design from Stanford University.

Shuchi edited and co-authored ‘Computer Science in K-12: An A-Z Handbook on Teaching Programming’ that was published in June 2020.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Looking Glass Ventures / Stanford University
Personal website:
Research interests:K-12 CS education, introductory programming, computational thinking, STEM+Computing integration, assessment design


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